新关注 > 信息聚合 > 探索神秘恐龙之岛《我的恐龙》精美CG曝光


To explore the mysterious dinosaur island of my dinosaur elegant CG exposure

2018-04-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

蜗牛首款主打“地图寻龙,AR驯龙”的策略养成手游《我的恐龙》发布了首部CG宣传视频。视频讲述的是现代文明在阴谋家滥用时空机器后导致时空次元出现了裂隙,恐龙与人类爆发了持久的冲突。为了寻求避难的小女孩elley,于茫茫大海中发现了神秘岛屿的故事。视频中融入了从“家园建造”到“捕捉恐龙”很多有趣的游戏元素。 《我的恐龙》是蜗牛游戏(Snail Game)全新推出的AR恐龙养成策略手游。风格采用了清新明快的美漫风格,玩家可以通过定位对身边的恐龙进行AR捕捉、孵化驯养、守护家园、掠夺资源,在现代都市中体验亿万年前的侏罗纪时代。 在视频开头,历经大海漂泊的小女孩发现了一座神秘的岛屿...

The snail's first flagship "map to search, AR how to train your dragon" strategy to develop a mobile game "my dinosaur" released the first CG promotional video. Video is about the modern civilization after the schemer abuse of time and space machine cause space-time dimensional appeared cracks, enduring conflict broke out between the dinosaurs and humans. Little girl in order to seek refuge elley, discovered the mystery in the vast sea island story. In video from the "homes built" to "capture the dinosaur" a lot of interesting game elements. Q: my dinosaur is Snail Game (the Game) AR dinosaurs to develop a new strategy of mobile Game. Style adopted style through the beauty of pure and fresh and lively, the player can be used to locate the dinosaurs around AR capture, hatch domesticated, to protect their homes, exploitation, Jurassic age of hundreds of millions of years experience in modern cities. At the beginning of video, after sailing of the little girl found a mysterious island...