新关注 > 信息聚合 > 少寒、MT争YY ASMR一姐放大招 汉服、COSPlay争奇斗艳

少寒、MT争YY ASMR一姐放大招 汉服、COSPlay争奇斗艳

Less cold, MT for YY ASMR enlarge recruit a sister Hanfu, COSPlay to outshine each other

2017-07-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

如果你听说过ASMR,那么你对少寒Shine和MTkoala就一定不会陌生。少寒Shine和MT是国内ASMR领衔主播,都拥有非常多的粉丝。她们同为ASMR美女主播,自然免不了经常被拿来比较。而今年,两位大主播又相继转战YY 56频道【ASMR频道】,看来这场ASMR直播一姐之争是躲不过去了。 ASMR是YY从国外引进的全新视听感官直播技术,因为ASMR直播,能有效的让观众感受到催眠放松的特殊体验,所以也被部分观众趣称为“爱睡美人”。YY 56频道是YY平台上ASMR专属官方频道,通过陆续引进ASMR人气主播少寒Shine、MTkoala等人气主播,旨在打造全球最专业的ASMR直播体验...

If you heard of ASMR, you little cold Shine and MTkoala have won't strange. Little cold Shine and MT is domestic ASMR led by the host, have so many fans. Their fellow ASMR female anchors, nature will often be compared. This year, two anchors in succession to YY channel 56 】 【 ASMR channels, it seems the ASMR live dispute is a sister hide not the past. ASMR is YY sensory live new audio-visual technology introduced from abroad, because ASMR live, can effectively make the audience feel hypnosis relaxation special experience, so also is part of the audience interest is called "love sleeping beauty. YY channel 56 is YY platform ASMR exclusive official channels, by gradually introducing ASMR popularity anchor less cold Shine, MTkoala sentiment on the host, intended to build the world's most professional ASMR live experience...

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