新关注 > 信息聚合 > 与「高帧战士」作斗争,《辐射76》将锁60帧运行


To fight "high frame warrior", "76" will lock 60 frames

2018-11-07 10:58:19来源: 游戏时光

Bethesda 旗下新作《辐射76》即将于11月14日发售,目前 PC 端玩家在试玩了 Beta 测试版游戏后发现,不管自己的电脑配置如何,本作似乎都锁定在60~63帧的帧率运行。尽管《辐射76》使用的是《辐射》系列一贯的引擎,但本作是一款多人在线射击游戏,由于不同 PC 玩家的电脑配置不同,很可能出现线上火拼时,能够高帧率游戏的“高帧战士”会轻易吊打低帧率的玩家。为避免这样的情况,游戏厂商曾想出游戏锁60帧的方法,但这也可以通过修改游戏的“.ini”文件进行解除,为此 Bethesda 似乎将在服务器端锁定每位玩家的帧率。事实上《辐射76》在锁定60帧运行后曾做过一次临时性修复,看起来很可...

Bethesda's new book "radiation 76" will be released on November 14, the PC players found after try the Beta game, regardless of their own computer configuration, this seems to be locked in the 60 ~ 63 frame frame rate of the operation. Although the use of radiation 76 is consistent "radiation" series engine, but this is a multiplayer online shooting game, due to the different PC players of computer configuration, probably appeared online firefight, can high frame rate of the game "high frame warrior" can easily easing the bit in low frame rate of the player. To avoid such a situation, game makers have come up with a game method 60 frames the lock, but it can also be by modifying the game ". Ini file is "lifted, therefore Bethesda seems to be on the server side lock of each player's frame rate. In fact the radiation 76 locking 60 frames after the operation served as a temporary fix, look very can...