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游戏考拉项目组专访 手游离线托管更轻松

Koala project team game interview hands free line more easily managed

2017-03-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

不难发现我们越来越多的时间花费在了掌中的五寸屏幕上,手游成为了我们日常休闲娱乐的第一大输出,上手的游戏肯定不止一款两款. 事实上,不论是大型MMORPG也好,休闲卡牌类游戏也罢,甚至是益智小游戏,都充斥大量的日常活动,想要全部做完可不是一件容易的事,手游托管也变成了不少玩家的需求。 今天我们就专门采访了目前“手游离线托管”这个新名词的领头羊——《游戏考拉》项目组,看看他们团队是如何在这样一个手游细分市场下为用户思考的吧! Q:考拉的小伙伴们,先和大家自我介绍一下吧? 游戏考拉:玩家伙伴们大家好,我们是游戏考拉云服务项目组,很高兴能接受这次的专访,希望我们的产品能给大家带来最好的服...

Is not difficult to find our more and more time spent in each five inch screen, mobile game became our daily entertainment's first big output, started the game must be more than a two. In fact, whether it is a big MMORPG, leisure card games, even is a puzzle game, with a large number of daily activities, all want to finish is not an easy thing, mobile game hosting also become the needs of many players. Today we specially interviewed the new word "hands free line managed" leader - the game the koala "project team, look at how their team under such a mobile game market segment for the user think of! Q: the koala's friends, with all of you to introduce myself first? Koala game: players friends everybody is good, we are the koala cloud services team game, would be glad to accept the interview, I hope our products can bring you the best...

标签: 手游 游戏