新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河神手游家族战打法解析 争夺家族神兵

河神手游家族战打法解析 争夺家族神兵

War game parse achelous mobile game family For the magic of the family

2017-08-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

笼罩在民国天津卫上空的阴云不只有魔古道,还有漕运商会和一生门等家族势力之间的争斗。在《河神》手游里,各个家族之间也需要通过PK一较高下。家族系统对于爱PK的玩家来说显得尤为重要,身为家族一份子,你需要击败敌人与怪物来获得分数,最终决出服务器第一家族,夺得家族神兵。 家族争霸战会在每周六的20:40分准时开始,最多容纳300人。在进入战场之后,会出生在统一复活点内,只要在这个复活点内就不会收到伤害,调整好阵容再上战场。 争霸战场分为BOSS刷新区、精英怪区和安全刷怪区,各个玩家根据自己的实力,可选择合适的刷怪区域获得积分和贡献。且击败怪物与敌人会获得不同积分,击杀敌人则会偷取对方10%...

Clouded over the republic of China tianjin who not only ancient road, gate chamber of commerce and the grain transportation by canal and life such as the battle between family clans. In the mobile game, the river god, between each family also need through the PK. Family system is particularly important for love PK players, as a member of the family, you need to beat the enemy with monsters to score points, finally decide the server for the first family, won the magic of the family. Family battle will be at the start of the choicest points on time every Saturday, to accommodate 300 people at most. After entering the battlefield, will be born within the unified raised points, as long as within this resurrection point will not receive damage, adjust good squad again on the battlefield. Battlefield supremacy into BOSS refresh area, area and safety brush elite weird things area, all the players according to their own strength, can choose the appropriate brush strange area to score and contribution. And defeat the monster will get different points, with the enemy strikes kill people will steal each other's 10%...

标签: 手游