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The Rio Olympics change big adventure! 9 crime game remind you Scylla

2016-08-07 05:18:09来源: 17173

17173 新闻导语 里约奥运会负面新闻不断,诸如组委会把奥运村真的建成了一个村;福原爱自己修厕所马桶;中国运动员巴西被抢劫等等,活生生地把里约奥运会办成了里约大冒险…… 奥运会终于欢天喜地的开幕了,不过今年的里约奥运会负面新闻不断,诸如组委会把奥运村真的建成了一个村;福原爱自己修...

17173 Rio Olympics news leads negative news, such as the organizing committee of the Olympic village really built a village; Ai fukuhara repair the toilet; Chinese athletes was robbed in Brazil and so on, alive the Rio Olympics done Rio... Olympic Games finally opened merrily merrily, but this year the Rio Olympics negative news, such as organizing committee really built a village, the village; Ai fukuhara their...

标签: 游戏