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皇室战争:部落冲突入门级攻略 十分钟玩转皇室战争

The royal war, tribal conflict entry-level guide Ten minutes to play the royal war

2016-02-24 18:51:17来源: 4399

Supercell的新作《部落冲突:皇室战争》已经宣布3月iOS全球同步上线,这个游戏上手十分简单,小编十分钟带你玩转皇室战争。 《部落冲突:皇室战争》(Clash Royale)与COC是同一个世界观的产物。不过,它却是一款融合塔防、卡牌和RTS玩法的竞技游戏。今天我们就来具体说说,...

Supercell new "tribal conflict: the royal war" has already announced in March iOS online, at the same time around the world this game is very simple, easy-to-use small make up take you ten minutes to play the royal war. The tribal conflict: the royal war (Clash Royale) and COC is the product of the same world view. However, it is a fusion of tower defense, the CARDS and RTS play a competitive game. Today we're going to specific say,...