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任天堂就《幻影异闻录#FE》日版宣传失误道歉 承诺提供退款

Nintendo apologizes and promises a refund for the mispromotion of the Japanese version of "phantom and anecdote"

2019-10-18 20:50:19来源: 游戏时光

刚刚,任天堂官方就《幻影异闻录#FE》宣传失误进行了道歉,并确认这次登陆 Switch 的本作就是基于 Wii U 平台上的欧美版进行移植的,同时承诺将提供本作的 eShop 预购退款通道。《幻影异闻录#FE》是最早发售于 2015 年的 WiiU 游戏,在今年 9 月的任天堂直面会上,官方宣布本作将于 2020 年 1 月 17 日登陆 Switch。由于当地法律的审核尺度不同,当时 WiiU 版的日版游戏和欧美版游戏角色的露出度是不一样的(具体差别详见下方对比视频及图片)。视频地址左:日版 右:欧美版 左:日版 右:欧美版 左:日版...

Just now, Nintendo officials apologized for the publicity error of "phantom and anecdote" and confirmed that the landing switch is based on the European and American version of the & nbsp; Wii u platform for transplantation, and promised to provide the eshop pre purchase refund channel for this work. "Phantom and anecdote" is the first wiiu game to be released in 2015. At the Nintendo face-to-face meeting in September this year, the official announced that this work will be launched on switch on January 17, 2020. Due to the different auditing standards of local laws, the exposure of the characters of the Japanese version of Wii u and the European and American version of the game was different at that time (see the comparison video and pictures below for the specific differences). Video address left: Japanese version right: European and American version left: Japanese version right: European and American version left: Japanese version...

标签: 任天堂