新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在上世纪80年代移植一款游戏有多难


How hard it was to transplant a game in the 1980s

2019-10-18 15:00:00来源: 触乐

1987年11月的一天,清晨6点,在英格兰什普罗郡的某个屋子里,17岁的程序员马丁·韦伯(Martin Webb)正坐在一台电脑前。他的父亲丹尼斯·韦伯(Dennis Webb)和游戏发行商U.S. Gold的老板吉奥夫·布朗(Geoff Brown)也在,3个人已经在那里待了整整一夜。U.S. Gold公司是上世纪八九十年代英国重要的游戏发行商之一,主要在欧洲地区代理发行美国游戏,后来被《古墓丽影》的开发和发行商Eidos Interactive收购,退出了历史舞台。前一天晚上,在U.S. Gold为街机赛车游戏《OutRun》制作Commodore...

One day in November 1987, at 6 a.m. in a room in shiplow, England, 17-year-old programmer Martin Webb was sitting in front of a computer. His father, Dennis Webb, and Geoff brown, the boss of U.S. gold, the game publisher, are also there. Three people have been there all night. U.S. gold is one of the most important game publishers in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s. It mainly distributes American Games in Europe. Later, it was acquired by Eidos Interactive, the developer and publisher of Tomb Raider, and withdrew from the historical stage. The night before, at U.S. gold, I made Commodore for the arcade racing game out run...

标签: 游戏