新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《行尸走肉》里的卡尔在角色扮演服务器上“复活”了


Carr in walking dead "resurrects" on the role-playing server

2019-10-17 14:33:33来源: 触乐


From 2010 to now, the American cable channel AMC series "walking dead" has launched 10 seasons, more than 130 episodes. From a stunning start to a long-term updated classic, just like most of the long-running American dramas, it has also experienced a decline in public praise, and then rebounded. During this period, some resident characters left the cast one after another due to consideration of transformation or personal life. One of the characteristics of "walking dead" is that "the character suddenly dies" & don't know who is going to die next ". The writer team has prepared a carefully planned" death story "for the actors who are going to leave the cast, and the core role is no exception. In the ninth season of last year's broadcast, with Andrew Lincoln and Chandler Riggs quitting the cast, their characters & mdash; & MDA...