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视频看一天挣几角 收益背后风险巨大

There is a huge risk behind earning a few cents a day watching videos

2019-10-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

视频看一天挣几角,收益背后风险巨大…… 别为“块儿八毛”跳网络陷阱 “每天走4000步,月赚200到20000!”……在众多宣称“走路赚钱”的手机应用里,“趣步”曾经红极一时,甚至登上过应用商城市场生活类排行榜榜首。然而近日,“趣步”却因涉嫌网络传销、非法集资、金融诈骗,被长沙市工商部门立案调查。 事实上,类似的“赚钱”App层出不穷。从走路、看新闻,到睡觉、刷视频,一时间似乎都成了“摇钱树”。记者调查发现,不少主打新闻资讯的App并未取得相关资质,内容质量堪忧;而标榜的高收益往往难以达到,提现过程也套路重重;此外,用户还可能面临个人信息泄露,甚至卷入传销骗局等诸多风险。 乱象 信...

Video watching makes a few cents a day, and the risk behind the earnings is huge... Don't jump into the network trap for "eight cents a block" and "walk 4000 steps a day and earn 200 to 20000 yuan a month!"... Among the many mobile phone applications that claim to "make money by walking," qubu "has been very popular for a while, and even ranked first in the market life category of the app mall. Recently, however, qubu has been put on file for investigation by Changsha industry and Commerce Department for being suspected of pyramid selling, illegal fund-raising and financial fraud. In fact, similar "money making" apps are emerging in an endless stream. From walking, watching the news, to sleeping and swiping the video, it seems to have become a cash cow for a while. According to the reporter's investigation, many of the main news apps have not obtained the relevant qualifications, and the quality of the content is worrying; however, the high profits advertised are often difficult to achieve, and the withdrawal process is full of routines; in addition, users may also face many risks such as personal information disclosure, or even involvement in pyramid schemes. Chaos letter...

标签: 视频