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完美世界与咪咕互娱达成合作 涉及游戏运营等领域

Perfect world with Migu mutual entertainment game operators reached a cooperation to areas such as

2015-04-25 14:11:59来源: TechWeb

完美世界与咪咕互娱达成合作 涉及游戏运营等领域 【TechWeb报道】4月25日消息,完美世界今日宣布与 咪咕互娱达成合作,将在游戏运营等方面展开深度合 作。今后完美世界的一些优秀手游作品,咪咕互娱将作为首发平台发布。 完美世界首席运营官张云帆表示,“完美世界成立的这十年也是中国互联...

perfect world with Migu interactive cooperation involves the game operators and other areas [TechWeb] in April 25th reported the news, perfect world announced today with Migu entertainment mutual cooperation, will expand the depth of cooperation in operations and other aspects of the game. In a perfect world Mobile Games some excellent works, Migu mutual entertainment as the first platform release. Perfect world chief operating officer Zhang Yunfan said, "the establishment of the perfect world this ten years is Chinese interconnection...

标签: 游戏 完美世界