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全蛋尼玛魔性出演 《口水三国》1元上架iOS付费榜

Whole egg NIMA magic starred in the saliva of the Three Kingdoms "1 yuan shelves IOS pay fee today list

2015-08-17 10:22:35来源: 新浪

今日,史上最逗趣手游《口水三国》正式上架中国App Store,游戏首发价1元,下载即送价值30元月卡一张!同时心动网络官方平台也会同步放出安卓版。凭借这张全蛋、王尼玛、Ladybeard等鬼畜全明星强大的号召力,加上口水三国动画强大的聚粉力,游戏登陆App Store不久便荣登付费榜第...

. In the history of the most funny tour the saliva of the Three Kingdoms" officially shelves in China app store, games starting price of 1 yuan, Download Jisong value 30 yuan monthly a! Simultaneously, the heart of the network will also be synchronized to release the official Android version. With the Zhang Quandan, the king of NIMA, Ladybeard such as the ghost livestock All Star strong appeal, and saliva three animation powerful together flour, game on the app store soon No.1 pay list the...

标签: iOS