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Trump: violent video games should be responsible for the school shooting

2018-02-23 14:20:50来源: 游戏时光


Last week, there was a serious shootings at a high school in parkland in Florida in the United States, 17 people were killed and many injured. Today, at the campus security conference held by the White House, President Trump pointed out that violent video games should be partly responsible for the occurrence of campus shootings. We have to pay attention to the Internet, because a lot of bad things are happening in young children and young heads. Their ideas are forming, and we have to do something about what they see and how they look. And there are video games, and I hear more and more people talking about the level of violence in video games that have had a real impact on the idea of young people. What's more, it's a movie. If you look at these movies, they are too violent. As long as the movie doesn't involve sex, children can watch, even if they are full of killing. Maybe we need to set up a grading system for this movie. Parkland after the massacre, this is not the first accountability in power...

标签: 游戏