新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡搁浅》媒体评测将在11月1日解禁


"Death stranded" media evaluation will be lifted on November 1

2019-10-09 11:29:29来源: 游戏时光

Metacritic 在今天宣布,小岛秀夫最新力作《死亡搁浅》的媒体评测将在北京时间 11 月 1 日 15:01 正式解禁,比游戏正式发售(11 月 8 日)正好提前一个星期。《死亡搁浅》是小岛秀夫从 Konami 独立之后的第一款全新作品,不仅将会探讨关于人与人之间「联系」的问题,同时还会在游戏中尝试全新类型的游戏玩法。关于小岛秀夫期望在游戏中表达的内容,大家可以点击这里阅读我们之前对他的专访。如果你也曾经被《死亡搁浅》的预告片弄得非常迷糊,那不妨看看我们最新的游戏预告片分析汇总。最后不得不说,提前一周放出游戏媒体评测,小岛秀夫可是真的非常自信。

Metacritic announced today that the media review of Hideo Kojima's latest masterpiece "Death stranded" will be lifted at 15:01 Beijing time on November 1, a week ahead of the official launch of the game (November 8). "Death stranded" is the first brand-new work of Shofu Ishima since Konami's independence. It will not only explore the issue of "connection" between people, but also try new types of game play in the game. About what Shofu Kojima expects to express in the game, you can click here to read our previous interview with him. If you've ever been confused by the trailer for Death stranded, take a look at our latest analysis of the game trailer. Finally, I have to say that Shofu Ishima is really confident when he releases a game media review a week earlier.