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《极限竞速 地平线4》首日DLC将让你化身007

"Extreme speed horizon 4" the first day DLC will make you incarnate 007.

2018-09-19 15:38:32来源: 游戏时光

今日,Xbox 与《极限竞速 地平线4》开发商Playground Games 公开了游戏的首个 DLC 内容:邦德车包。有了这个 DLC,玩家将能够使用传奇特工詹姆斯·邦德的心爱座驾,在英国本土来一场刺激的竞速之旅。如我们在预告片中所见,邦德车包包含了10辆来自《007》系列电影中的车辆,其中有些甚至配备了与电影中一样的高科技设备,就比如伸缩滑雪板、划水鳍等等。邦德车包将作为《极限竞速 地平线4》终极版的一部分,在9月28日抢先体验开启之时解锁,同时本车包也会在10月2日游戏正式发售时向所有玩家开放购买。来源:IGN

Today, Xbox and Playground Games, the developer of Extreme Racing Horizon 4, unveiled the first DLC content of the game: the Bond Car Bag. With this DLC, players will be able to use the legendary agent James Bond's beloved sedan to take a thrilling racing trip across the UK. As we can see in the trailer, Bond's bag contains 10 vehicles from the 007 series, some of which are equipped with the same high-tech equipment as in the movie, such as retractable skis, fins, and so on. As part of the final edition of Extreme Horizon 4, the Bond Bag will be unlocked on September 28 when the Preemptive Experience opens and will be available to all players when the game is officially launched on October 2. Source: IGN