新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《底特律:成为人类》全球累计销量超过300万份


Detroit: becoming human, the world has sold more than 3 million copies.

2019-10-04 09:39:45来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Quantic Dream 今日宣布,旗下互动电影式游戏《底特律:成为人类》PS4 版全球销量已突破 300 万份。作为一款出色的互动电影游戏,《底特律:成为人类》讲述了近未来三位不同身份地位仿生人的故事,本作也是 Quantic Dream 旗下卖得最快的游戏,目前已超过《超凡双生》的累计销量,当然离《暴雨》的 500 万份销量还有段距离。Quantic Dream 此前还宣布了《底特律:成为人类》登陆 PC 商店的消息,并由 Epic 商店独占一年时间,尽管发售时间未定,但可以肯定《底特律:成为人类》销量还将更进一步。来源:Twinfinite

Developer Quantic Dream today announced that its interactive movie game "PS4:" has exceeded 3 million sales worldwide. As an excellent interactive movie game, "Detroit: becoming human" tells the story of nearly three different bionic people of different identities in the near future. This is also the fastest selling game of Quantic Dream, which has now surpassed the cumulative sales of "supernatural twins". Of course, there is still a distance from the 5 million sales of torrential rain. Quantic Dream has also announced the news of landing PC store by "human being". It has been monopolized by Epic store for a year. Although the sale time is not yet determined, it is certain that sales volume will be further. Source: Twinfinite