新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《壁中精灵》放出17分钟实机演示,亲手绘制梦幻场景


"Fairy in the Wall" releases a 17-minute live demonstration to personally draw a dream scene.

2019-10-08 14:00:34来源: 游戏时光

PlayStation 公布了一段《壁中精灵》的实际演示视频。视频中展示了游戏前期的一段游玩体验。视频地址视频中展示了主角在墙壁上作画的方式,每个人都可以绘出美轮美奂的画作,创造出可爱的壁中精灵并与其互动。视频最后还展示了一段战斗的场景,主角可以通过高速滑行来追逐目标。《壁中精灵》将于 10 月 9 日发售登陆 PS4 平台,游戏支持中文。来源:Youtube

PlayStation has released a live demo video of The Wall Elves. The video shows a pre-game experience. The video addresses and videos show the way the main characters paint on the walls. Everyone can draw beautiful paintings, create lovely walls, and interact with them. At the end of the video, it also shows a battle scene in which the protagonist can chase the target by taxiing at high speed. The wizard in the wall will be on sale in October 9th to the PS4 platform. The game will support Chinese. Source: YouTube