新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《一拳超人 无名英雄》中文版将于11月开启封闭测试

《一拳超人 无名英雄》中文版将于11月开启封闭测试

The Chinese version of a boxing Superman unsung hero will open the closed test in November.

2019-10-08 10:09:32来源: 游戏时光

万代南梦宫此前公布了漫改动作游戏《一拳超人 无名英雄》,官方近日宣布本作将于11月初开启封闭测试,并预计将于2020年登陆 PS4/Xbox One/PC 平台,官方同时公布了本作最新预告视频。 《一拳超人 无名英雄》将包含完整的剧情模式,玩家可以自创一个角色完成各种任务,提升自己的英雄排名,漫画中的角色如埼玉、杰诺斯、地狱吹雪、无证骑士、音速索尼克、疫苗人、蚊少女、阿修罗独角仙、深海王都将出场。视频截图:万代南梦宫还宣布本作将在11月1日~4日开启4次封闭 Beta 测试(需抽选),玩家可以在 PS4/Xbox One 平台参与测试,可使用超10名角色,可游玩模式包含联网大厅、联网自由对战、...

Wan Dai Nan Meng palace has announced the cover change action game "one punch Superman unknown hero". The official announced recently that the work will be opened in early November, and is expected to land on the PS4/Xbox One/PC platform in 2020. A boxing Superman unknown hero will contain a complete plot mode. Players can create a role to accomplish various tasks and enhance their heroic rankings. The characters in the comic characters such as Saitama, Janos, hells, snow, undocumented Cavaliers, sonic Sonic, vaccine people, mosquito girls, aunhure, unicorn, and deep sea king will all be present. Video screenshot: Wan Dai Nan Meng Gong also announced that this work will open the 4 closed Beta test from November 1st to 4 (the need to be selected). Players can participate in the test on the PS4/Xbox One platform, and can use over 10 roles.