新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL全明星赛8号开战!虎牙直播狂送Iphone7


LOL the all-star game 8 fight! Canine teeth live crazy Iphone7

2016-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

年末终极比赛,LOL全明星赛即将在12月8日开启,本年度现身S6的所有赛区和各大明星战队的明星选手们都将汇聚在一起,角逐出本年度国际最强。 如此豪华盛宴怎又会少的了虎牙直播的鼎力加持?据透露直播期间不仅会根据比赛中出现的精彩镜头送出大奖,由神秘知名主持人提出全明星赛或英雄联盟相关的问题与观众尽情互动,随机送出Iphone7等豪华大奖。 直播时间:2016年12月8日至12月11日 LOL全明星赛虎牙直播地址:huya.com/allstar2016 这一国际盛典自然是全国的LOL玩家们都最关注的一场比赛,汇集的明星队员们均来自S6赛场上,延续着S6的精彩之后,全明星赛上再次观赏到他们...

At the end of the ultimate game of LOL all-star game will open on December 8, this year on S6 all division and all the big star team's star players will be together, for most out of this year's international. So how luxury feast and less teeth live full blessing? Revealed during the live broadcast will not only according to the highlights of the match out awards, presented by the mysterious famous anchor the all-star game or hero union related issues and interaction with the audience, random send Iphone7 luxury award, etc. Broadcast time: 8 December 2016 solstice December 11 all-star game canine teeth broadcast address: LOL huya.com/allstar2016 this international festival is, of course LOL players across the country the most focus on one game, pooling the star players are from S6, the continuation of the best of S6, after the all-star game again see them...

标签: LOL 直播 虎牙