新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2019年6月日服PS+会员免费游戏:《索尼克狂热》《命运之手2》


June 2019 PS + Membership Free Game: Sonic Fanaticism, Hand of Destiny 2

2019-05-30 12:06:33来源: 游戏时光

PSN 日服公布6月会员免费游戏,PS+ 会员在6月5日~7月2日期间,可以免费获得以下游戏:PS4《索尼克狂热》PS4《命运之手2》此外,会员在6月5日~7月2日期间可以以100日元的优惠价购入《无主之地:帅杰克合集》。

PSN Daily Clothing announces free games for members in June. PS + members can get the following free games during June 5 to July 2: PS4 "Sonic Fever" PS4 "Hand of Destiny 2". In addition, members can buy "Land Without a Head: Jack Collection" at a discount price of 100 yen from June 5 to July 2.