新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本52万初高中生沉迷网游 业界拟着手商讨对策

日本52万初高中生沉迷网游 业界拟着手商讨对策

520 thousand high school students in Japan are addicted to online games.

2018-07-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据日本《朝日新闻》7月17日报道,用户沉迷网游,其实事出有因。每当用户对一款游戏产生些许厌倦心理时,游戏公司便会适时地推出优惠活动,吸引更多用户投入更多时间及金钱到游戏中。加之版本不断更新,网游可谓是“无穷无尽”。 据日本厚生劳动省研究小组2012年度估测的数据,包括沉迷网游在内,日本约有52万初高中生存在“网瘾”问题。业内团体 “日本计算机娱乐供应商协会”表示,2017年日本有3514万人使用智能手机和平板玩游戏,是2013年人数的1.3倍。网游变得无处不在。 世界卫生组织(WHO)将过度沉溺于游戏、乃至影响日常生活的状况称为“网游依赖症”,并将其列为一种疾病,但美国网游业团体“娱乐?...

According to Japan's Asahi Shimbun on July 17th, users are addicted to online games. Whenever a user is tired of a game, the game company will launch a timely incentive to attract more users to invest more time and money into the game. Coupled with the constantly updated version, online games can be described as "endless." According to the data estimated by Japan's Ministry of health and labour research group in 2012, including addiction to online games, there are about 520 thousand high school students in Japan about "Internet addiction". The industry group, the Japanese Computer Entertainment Supplier Association, said 35 million 140 thousand people used smartphones and tablets to play games in 2017, 1.3 times the number of people in 2013. Online games have become ubiquitous. The WHO (WHO), which is overindulged in games, and even affects everyday life, is called "online travel dependence" and lists it as a disease, but the American online game group "entertainment?"

标签: 网游