新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤15:黑色行动4》售22.9万份登日本周销量榜首


15 "call of duty: black action 4 sales week sales topped 229000, Japan

2018-10-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京10月18日电 (记者杨虞波罗)根据Media Create的统计报告,《使命召唤15:黑色行动4》在日本大受欢迎,PS4版的游戏登上了周销量榜榜首,创下了228775份的销量成绩,《超级马里奥派对》和《刺客信条:奥德赛》分别以63451份及19037份的成绩位列二、三位。 作为对比,PS4版《使命召唤14:二战》的周销量成绩为16.8万份,《使命召唤13:无限战争》为10.6万份,《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》为14.4万份。 榜单前十排名如下: 1、《COD15》-PS4-228775(新上榜) 2、《超级马里奥派对》-NS-63451(总206319) 3、《刺客信条...

People in Beijing on October 18 (reporter Yang Yu polo) according to the Media, Create statistical report, "the call of duty: 15 black action 4" is very popular in Japan, PS4 version of the game is back on top of the list of week sales, sales of its 228775 results, super Mario party "and" assassins creed: Odyssey respectively in 63451 and 19037 ranked second and third places. In contrast, PS4 edition of the call of duty: 14 of the second world war, the week sales record of 168000, "the call of duty 13: the infinite war" of 106000, "call of duty: 12 black action 3" for 144000. The top ten ranked as follows: 1, the COD15 - PS4-228775 (new) 2, super Mario party "- NS - 63451 (206319) 3, the assassin's creed...