新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360大酋长挑战传统主机 接受玩家评测

360大酋长挑战传统主机 接受玩家评测

360 the chief challenge the traditional host acceptance game player evaluation

2014-12-24 14:25:10来源: 游久网

【游久网12月24日消息】在北京360大酋长新品发布会前期,小葱游戏宣布挑战传统主机,接受玩家评测。 点击进入:新游戏频道 | 官方网站 小葱官方抽选了几位资深主机玩家进行主机测评,下面我们总结了他们的意见列出了360大酋长安卓游戏主机的优点与合理意见。 优点: 数码206...

[long network December 24th news] in Beijing 360 big chief new conference early game, shallot announced to challenge the traditional host acceptance evaluation, game player. Click to enter: new game channel | official website the official lottery shallot were host evaluation of several senior host game player, below we summed up the views of their list the advantages 360 UAE Changan game host and the reasonable opinion. Advantages: digital 206...

标签: 玩家