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《守望先锋》官方蓝贴 1.3版本已知问题一览

A List of Known Issues in the Official Blue Tie Version 1.3 of Watch Pioneer

2018-11-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

注意:此列表并未涵盖该版本的全部已知问题,仅罗列了版本特有问题。 幸运的是,封面的错误问题已经被修复了 艾什 自动步枪 击打平面时,视觉特效会以一个角度播放 观看艾什的第一视角时,在她开镜的情况下,玩家轮廓线无法出现在镜头视野中 短筒猎枪 冲击力无法击退环境中已被破坏的物体 如果艾什从正在反弹子弹的源氏上方向他射击,她可能会被弹到高空 雷管 目前,燃烧的视觉特效无法在某些受此效果伤害的英雄建造物上播放(例如,狂鼠的夹子) 如果源氏反弹了雷管,导火线燃烧时就不会出现明显的火星 源氏反弹雷管时可能会使其意外爆炸 召唤鲍勃 正在冲锋的鲍勃可以移动已被包围的堡垒 鲍...

Note: This list does not cover all the known problems of this version, but lists only version-specific problems. Fortunately, the cover error has been fixed. When Ash's automatic rifle hits the plane, the visual effects play the first view of Ash from one angle. When she opens the lens, the player's contour cannot appear in the shot field. Short-barrel shotgun impact cannot repel the damaged objects in the environment. If Ash comes from the source of the bullet that is bouncing back. Shooting at him from above, she may be bounced onto an altitude detonator. At present, the burning visual effects cannot be played on some heroic structures damaged by this effect (e.g. the maniac rat's clip). If the detonator rebounds, there will be no obvious Martian rebound detonator when the fuse burns, which may cause an accidental explosion to summon Bob who is charging. It can move the surrounded fortress abalone.

标签: 守望先锋