新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《光荣使命OL》个性成就系统,是时候炫耀一波了


"Glorious mission" OL personality achievement system, now is the time to show off a wave of the

2015-04-15 23:31:09来源: 南方网

说起《光荣使命OL》的成就系统,相信一定是那些个“收集控”的玩家们最爱的系统了。如此个性的成就玩法相信不论是那些个“收集控”还是普通玩家都会非常热衷的去体验一下的。很多高手玩家的军牌往往都是:高等级等勋章+超难完成的成就称号+一个个性的略章。 说起《光荣使命OL》的成就系统,相信一定...

about "OL" glorious mission achievement system, that is the "collection of control system" of the game player who most loves. So the personality accomplishment play no matter who collect "control" or ordinary game player will be very keen to experience. A lot of master game player tags are often omitted chapter: high grade medal + super hard done by a personality. Speaking of "achievements" glorious mission OL, sure...