新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拒绝脚本素质DOTA2:天辉Shift自动拉远古傻瓜教程


Refuse to script quality DOTA2: Tianhui Shift automatically pull ancient Dummies

2015-03-30 11:15:42来源: 太平洋游戏网

这个操作方法稍微练习一两遍,抓准位置以后,可以保证稳定自动拉4波远古野,第5波开始要看运气,楼下开始说方法。 首先能够使用这个方法的野怪,只有移动速度320的枭兽,熊大熊二,巨魔巫师和半人马(头狼好像也是320?记不太清楚了),为什么是320?因为移速320的野怪最多! 图中熊大站...

this operation method is a little exercise one or two times, after grasping position, can guarantee the stability of automatic pull 4 wave ancient wild, the fifth wave began to see luck, downstairs began method. First of all, to wild blame the use of this method, only the 320 movement speed Moonkin, bear bear two, troll shamans and Centaur (wolf is like 320? I do not remember clearly), why 320? Because the moving speed of 320 creeps up! Large bear...

标签: DOTA