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《守望先锋》堡垒重做 天使D.Va增强

The watchman pioneer fortress redo angel D.V enhance a

2017-02-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日《守望先锋》PTR上线了全新的服务器浏览器功能,玩家们可以在自定义游戏中自定服务器设置,设定种种奇怪的游戏规则。而除了这些改动之外,堡垒、D.Va、天使、小美等英雄获得了不同幅度的增强,地图艾兴瓦尔德也进行了调整,一起来了解一下。 英雄更新 堡垒 哨卫模式 部署时间从1.5s减少到1s 弹道扩散增加50% 弹道扩散总是处于最大状态(开火时不会增加弹道扩散) 弹夹从200发增加到300发 爆头双倍伤害取消 不再造成暴击伤害 堡垒 侦查模式 弹道扩散减少25% 弹夹从20发增加到25发 自我修复 现在移动中可以使用,变成了堡垒的副武器(以前是技能),也不...

The watchman pioneer PTR recently launched a new server browser functionality, players can be in custom games since the server Settings, set all kinds of strange rules of the game. But in addition to these changes, the fort, D.V, angel, a little beauty hero so as to obtain the different amplitude, map eichen wald has adjusted, together to get to know it. Hero update fort sentinel who pattern deployment time reduced from 1.5 s to 1 s ballistic diffusion: a 50% increase in ballistic is always in a state of maximum (fire doesn't increase the ballistic diffusion) from 200 to 300 blasting cartridge head double damage No longer crit damage fort detection mode Ballistic diffusion to reduce packs increased to 25 fuel from 20-25% Can use now moving into a fortress of secondary weapon (used to be a skill), nor...

标签: 守望先锋