新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两位Cocos程序员+60天 好玩停不下来的H5游戏

两位Cocos程序员+60天 好玩停不下来的H5游戏

Two Cocos programmers can't stop the H5 + 60 days fun games

2017-01-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《弹珠英雄传》是一款使用Cocos2d-js开发的消除类RPG游戏。今天,我们有幸请来了游戏团队核心成员LBEE、Commando ,来为我们讲述游戏背后的故事。 Q:很难相信,这款游戏出自仅仅两人的小团队。能否让大家更加了解你们呢? 大家好,首先非常感谢官方的采访。我和Commando是高中同学,好朋友。读书时候就经常厮混在一起,和朋友通宵达旦地在网吧里“厮杀”。 毕业后,大家各散东西,各自发展。他做他的后端大神,我做我的前端小喽啰。十几年后机缘巧合就又聚在一起了,不为别的,就为青春少年时玩过的《仙剑》、《红警》、《星际》......一大堆游戏堆积起来的游戏梦。 我们是逐梦而来...

The marble heroes is a Cocos2d - js development is used to eliminate class RPG game. Today, we had the pleasure of the game, please LBEE, Commando core team members, to tell the story behind the game for us. Q: it is hard to believe that the game from the small team only two people. Could you let everyone know more about you? Everybody is good, thank you very much for the interview official in the first place. Commando and I are high school classmates, good friends. Often read books when I was hanging out together, and friends would sit up in the Internet cafe "fight". After graduation, we all things, their respective development. He did after his side a great god, and I do my front end. More than a dozen years later a coincidence to get together again, if for no other, for youth youth played "xianjian", "red alert", "star"... A lot of game of pile up the dream. We are pursuing dreams and to...

标签: 游戏 H5