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《终结者 黑暗命运》最新预告:莎拉和T-800大打出手

The latest announcement of Terminator's Dark Destiny: Sarah and T-800 fight

2019-08-30 14:25:05来源: 游戏时光

由詹姆斯·卡梅隆监制,《死侍》导演蒂姆·米勒执导的电影《终结者:黑暗命运》放出了最新预告片,预告片中莎拉·康纳问起女主角Grace是否也是终结者时,得到回应却是加强版的人类,并且Grace还说莎拉·康纳改变的只是其中一个未来。当莎拉·康纳与T-800见面时,两人还差点大打出手,在预告结尾,莎拉·康纳甚至还有杀掉T-800的打算。视频地址《终结者:黑暗命运》的故事将接续《终结者2 审判日》,电影将于11月1日在北美地区上映,大陆地区有待定档。

Produced by James Cameron, the film Terminator: Dark Destiny, directed by Dead Waiter director Tim Miller, released the latest Trailer in which Sarah Connor asked if Grace was also Terminator, but received a reinforced version of humanity, and Grace also said that only Sarah Connor had changed. One future. When Sarah Connor met the T-800, they almost fought. At the end of the announcement, Sarah Connor even had plans to kill the T-800. The story of the video address "Terminator: Dark Destiny" will follow "Terminator 2 Judgment Day", and the film will be released in North America on November 1. The mainland is yet to be filed.