新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开罗游戏 21 款手游上线,豌豆荚首发中文正版

开罗游戏 21 款手游上线,豌豆荚首发中文正版

Cairo 21 game available online, peas starting the original in Chinese

2017-09-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

9 月 1 日,日本开罗游戏(Kairosoft)21 款手游官方中文版正式在豌豆荚首发,包括《游戏发展国》、《合战忍者村物语》、《发现动物公园》在内的全部游戏均已上架。豌豆荚还为开罗游戏开设了品牌专区,开罗游戏的粉丝可以一站畅享开罗系列经典之作啦。 作为开罗游戏的全新力作,《发现动物公园》9 月 1 日在豌豆荚全新上线,这款游戏在海外发行之初便受到了广大经营类游戏爱好者的喜爱;在游戏风格及玩法方面,《发现动物公园》延续了熟悉的像素风格和开罗经典的经营类放置玩法。这一次我们要经营的对象是一家动物园:通过培养动物,来吸引游客,在一片未开垦的土地上建造属于自己的动物王国。规划区域,调试设备...

On September 1, the Cairo Japan (Kairosoft) 21 tour the official Chinese version of hand in peas, including the developing countries of the game, the war ninja village comforts, "found that animal park", all games have stores. Peas for game opened a brand zone, Cairo Cairo game fans can stop swimming in Cairo series of classic. As a game in Cairo's new film, "found that animal park" on September 1 in peas new online, at the beginning of the game in the overseas distribution are the lovers of the broad masses of business games; Terms in the style and game play, found the animal park continues the familiar pixel style and classic business class place play in Cairo. This time we are going to a business object is zoo: through the cultivation of animals, to attract tourists, built on a piece of uncultivated land belongs to own the animal kingdom. Planning area, debugging equipment...

标签: 手游 游戏