新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这个双十一的王者荣耀直播圈,有人秀幸福,有人抹眼泪


This double tenth king glory live ring, someone show happiness, someone wipe tears

2017-11-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

对于曾被誉为《王者荣耀》直播圈神雕侠侣的灰灰和张大仙来说,双十一,本来应该是痛快撒狗粮的日子,但是一众吃瓜群众没有等来狗粮一波,倒是等来了一部精彩程度一点都不亚于此前嗨氏和楚河撕比的分手大戏。灰灰连发二十余条微博,痛斥张大仙八大罪状:对未婚妻二十六天冷暴力、逃婚失约、没有担当让未婚妻承担各种后果、作为合伙人不真诚、对朋友不仗义、对公司落井下石要求涨薪八位数、对粉丝欺骗、虚假人设。 读完灰灰的微博,能完全感觉到,灰灰确实是一个敢爱敢恨的天蝎座女生,爱的时候掏心掏肺,恨的时候又恨之入骨,张大仙怕是让这个陪他一路走来的女生心里,满满都是绝望吧!不然也不至于把事情闹成这样,在这样一个特殊的节日里,...

For once hailed as "the king of glory live in giant circle is gray and Zhang Daxian, double tenth one, was supposed to be happy and the days of the dog food, but the eat the melon masses have to dog food, such as a wave, is to a great degree comes as after break up of hi's and bo Lin to tear than drama. Dusty verge of article 20, lambasted Zhang Daxian eight crimes: the fiancee 26 days cold violence, told everyone stood up, not bear to let his fiancee bear the consequences, as a partner, not sincere, not battle righteousness, down to the company for the friend request pay eight digits, the fan was cheating, false man. After reading gray weibo, can fully feel, gray is indeed a dare to love dare hate Scorpio girl, love rink hijinks tao lung, hate and hate, when Zhang Daxian even let the girl's heart, accompanied him along the way are full of despair! Or not to leave things like this, in such a special day,...

标签: 王者荣耀 直播