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《英雄联盟》新英雄洛与霞 幻翎洛逆羽霞技能分析

New heroes "hero alliance" los and chardonnay Magic arrow los inverse feather chardonnay skill analysis

2017-04-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《英雄联盟》新英雄在今天曝光了,怎么玩呢,技能是什么呢,小编就为玩家们详细的介绍一下,来看看具体内容吧。 新英雄:Xayah(霞) &Rakan(洛) 注:新英雄为两位,可以分开使用,但是一方同时使用2人会有特殊效果。 逆羽 - 霞 基础魔抗:30 基础攻击力:56 基础护甲:24 成长生命值:80 基础生命值:545 成长攻速:3.3 基础生命值回复:1.2 基础移速:325 成长攻击力:2.2 射程:525 生命值回复成长:0.15 成长护甲:3 清扫(被动) 施放一次技能后,霞会获得三发强化普攻,强化普攻会穿透路径上的所有敌人(对除了目...

"Hero alliance" new hero in today revealed how to play, what skills are, small make up for the players to introduce detailed, to have a look at the specific content. New heroes: Xayah (chardonnay) & amp; Rakan (los) note: the new hero for two, can be used separately, but one party use 2 people at the same time there will be a special effect. Inverse feather - based magic resistance: chardonnay 30 bonus damage: 56 base armor: 24 growth life value: 80 basic life value: 545 growth speed is: 3.3 basic life value response: 1.2 basic move speed: 325 growth damage: 2.2 range: 525 HP growth: 0.15 growth armor: 3 cleaning (passive) after they cast a spell, chardonnay will get three hair strengthening attack, strengthening general attack all enemies will penetrate the path (in addition to the eye...

标签: 英雄联盟