新关注 > 信息聚合 > AI换脸不止是“丢脸”风险 隐私问题“ZAO”治早安全

AI换脸不止是“丢脸”风险 隐私问题“ZAO”治早安全

AI Face Change is more than "Disgrace" Risk Privacy Issue "ZAO" Early Safety

2019-09-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

AI换脸虽然好玩,但“丢脸”后一旦造成巨大损失,那就不好玩了。 AI换脸App应用ZAO迅速爆红,令很多网友玩得不亦乐乎,并把换脸后的形象通过微信朋友圈和微博等社交平台分享给好友。然而,这款好玩的AI换脸应用刚刚爆红,就被网友质疑涉嫌侵犯用户隐私,而且用户协议中暗藏霸王条款。 “仅需一张照片,出演天下好戏”,通过这句简洁明了的广告词,AI换脸ZAO应用几乎在一夜间收割了海量用户,成功上位至App Store免费排行榜的前三行列。 很多用户可能在安装这款AI换脸应用时,就没有仔细阅读用户协议,自然发现不了其中的猫腻。不过,还是有细心网友发现了ZAO用户协议中暗藏的霸王条款,具体内容是:如...

AI face change is fun, but once it causes huge losses after "losing face", it is not fun. AI Face Change App application ZAO quickly became popular, making many netizens happy to play, and the image after Face Change is shared to friends through social platforms such as Wechat Friendship Circle and Weibo. However, this funny AI face-changing app has just become popular, and it has been questioned by netizens on suspicion of violating user privacy, and the overlord clause is hidden in the user agreement. With this concise and clear advertisement, AI Face Change ZAO app has harvested a large number of users almost overnight and succeeded in topping the App Store Free List. Many users may not read the user agreement carefully when installing this AI facial change application, and naturally they will not find the cat in it. Nevertheless, careful netizens have found the overlord clause hidden in ZAO user agreement, the specific content is as follows: for example...

标签: AI