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《守望先锋》全新PVE今日上线 回溯暗影守望隐秘行动

The watchman pioneer new PVE online today Back shadow watch covert action

2018-04-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在一年一度的“守望先锋行动档案”中体验重要的历史时刻吧!加入一支由四位英雄组成的小队,参与拥有剧情故事的合作任务,让你以全新的视角体会”守望先锋”解散前的时代。4月11日-5月1日期间,你将可以指挥“暗影守望”的特工们,在惊险刺激的全新任务“威尼斯行动”中与“黑爪”展开决战。同时,你还有机会重温去年的“国王行动”任务,再次阻止智械的暴乱。 活动期间,你可以在任务中获得行动补给,解锁超过160件出自“守望先锋”历史片段的全新外观皮肤、特写、表情和喷漆,以及去年《守望先锋》“国王行动”活动中的物品和8个全新的传奇皮肤。这些物品全部行动补给同样可以直接购买——但是请抓紧时间,5月1日后这些补...

In the annual "watchman pioneer action file" experience the important historical moment! Join a team made up of four heroes, in cooperation with story, let you to feel "watch" pioneer era before the dissolution. On April 11 - during the May 1, you will be able to command "shadow" agents, in the exciting new task "Venice action" and "black claw" showdown. At the same time, you still have a chance to back to last year's "king", once again to prevent riots of machinery. During the activity, you can be obtained in the task action supplies, unlock more than 160 from the "watchman pioneer" episode in the the new appearance of the skin, features, expressions and spray paint, and last year the watchman pioneer "king" legendary items and eight new skin. These items all action supply also can buy directly, but please hurry up, on May 1st these fill...

标签: 守望先锋