新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如何评价《遗迹:灰烬重生》?


How to evaluate "Relics: Rebirth of Ash"?

2019-09-09 17:30:17来源: 触乐

我曾经怂恿我的友人阿Z去玩《黑暗之魂3》。他在和艾尔德里奇缠斗了3天之后,给我发送了一条饱含绝望的Steam消息:“我要是有把枪会这样?”随后他补充:“我看过《血源》,不是那种枪,是可以突突突突突突突突的那种。”可惜他不久后就出国读研去了,不然他就会知道,不管有没有可以突突突的枪,在“受苦”游戏里,结局都一样。那么上个月发售的第三人称动作射击游戏《遗迹:灰烬重生》(Remnant: From the Ashes)是否带来了一些不一样的感受呢?■ 说实话,它有一个好点子,也博采众家之长在《遗迹》的游玩过程中,你能感受到很多游...

I once encouraged my friend AZ to play Soul of Darkness 3. After three days of wrestling with Aldridge, he sent me a desperate message from Team: & ldquo; if I had a gun, that would happen? & Then he added: & ldquo; I have seen Blood Source, which is not the kind of gun, but the kind that can protrude and protrude. & Unfortunately, he soon went abroad to study, or else he would know that whether or not there was a gun that could burst, it would have the same ending in the game. So did Remnant: From the Ashes, a third-person action shooting game released last month, bring some different feelings? To tell you the truth, it has a good idea. It also takes the advantages of many families. You can feel a lot of tours in the course of the game of Relics.