新关注 > 信息聚合 > 90后LOL国服第一上单:若不读大学 成就不止如此

90后LOL国服第一上单:若不读大学 成就不止如此

LOL after 90 countries take the first on the list: if you don't read university Achievements more than that

2016-10-21 10:34:58来源: 新浪

目不转睛地盯着电脑,配合双手在键盘鼠标上的飞快操作,嘴里还念念有词…… 这不是沉迷网络,而是南昌小伙袁鑫的日常工作。作为一名网络游戏主播,他还有个为网友所熟悉的名字—— 90God 天外飞仙。最年长的王者、国服第一上单、主播界的“学霸”…… 一系列的标签背后,袁鑫完成了从草根主播到年薪百...

Staring at the computer, with both hands on the keyboard mouse fast operation, return in mouth saying... It is not Internet addiction, but the nanchang guy Yuan Xin daily work. As a network game host, he has a familiar name - 90 god by netizens carelessly. The king of the oldest, the first on the list in the field of anchor, "outstanding student"... Behind a series of tabs, Yuan Xin from grassroots anchor to the salary of the...

标签: LOL