新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《自由之战》将推官方小说“断罪之翼” 边看边玩

《自由之战》将推官方小说“断罪之翼” 边看边玩

"Crime broken wing," "freedom war" will push the official novel while watching play

2016-01-27 10:59:59来源: 4399

近日,MOBA手游《自由之战》公布了官方互动小说《断罪之翼》将于近期与大家见面的消息,小说通过全新的互动阅读模式将《自由之战》庞大的世界观首次展现给玩家们,而备受关注的《自由之战》史诗级经典剧情也即将揭开神秘面纱。是不是很期待呢~边看边玩的感觉一定非常棒!下面就为大家详细介绍。 《自由...

Recently, MOBA hand tour "freedom war" announced the "Conviction Wings," the official interactive fiction will message recently to meet with you, the novel through new interactive reading mode to "freedom war" huge view of the world for the first time to show to the players and the concern "freedom war" epic classic story is about to be unveiled. I am not looking forward to it ~ while playing the feeling of watching some great! Here to find out more. "free...