新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国网络游戏投诉平台携手315中国质量万里行 为游戏玩家提供服务

中国网络游戏投诉平台携手315中国质量万里行 为游戏玩家提供服务

China's online game complaints platform 315 China quality journey hand in hand Provide service for game players

2018-02-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,中国网络游戏投诉平台与315中国质量万里行达成战略合作,双方将携手在网络游戏行业,严厉打击游戏盗号、封号、诱导消费、涉嫌赌博、游戏色情等问题,为玩家们提供一站式投诉举报处理服务,共促网络游戏行业健康发展。 强强联手——将网络诈骗、游戏盗号、色情等问题一网打尽 作为权威的消费者投诉网站,央视315晚会长期合作伙伴,315中国质量万里行始终坚持受理315消费投诉、曝光质量黑幕、提供315维权知识、配合质量监管、推广名优品牌。近年来,在网络游戏行业投诉数据积累丰富、有效监督各类网络游戏问题解决。 中国网络游戏投诉平台由国家级权威媒体新华网主办,平台及时对接有关部门及各大游戏公司...

Recently, China's online game complaints platform to reach a strategic cooperation with 315 China quality journey, the two sides will hand in hand in the network game industry, to crack down on game hack, titles, induced consumption, suspected of gambling, games, pornography and other issues, provide one-stop complaint reporting handling services for players, promoting the healthy development of the online game industry. Combining the - will network fraud, game hack, pornography and other issues the gang As authoritative website of consumer complaints, CCTV 315 party long-term cooperation partners, 315 China quality journey always adhere to accept consumer complaints, the quality of shady exposure, 315 with 315 human rights knowledge, quality supervision, the promotion of famous brand. In recent years, in the network game industry complaints data accumulated rich, effective supervision of all kinds of network game problem solving. China's online game sponsored by the national authoritative media xinhua complaints platform, timely docking platform of departments and each big game company...

标签: 游戏 玩家