新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网络直播乱象咋这么“顽强”?


What is the "stubbornness" of live network broadcasting?

2019-06-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近年来,随着监管力度不断加大,网络直播中淫秽色情、暴力血腥、诈骗骗捐等违法违规现象已大大减少。然而不容忽视的是,一些网络直播乱象如今换上了“新马甲”,不健康甚至违法内容仍不时出现在网络直播间。 大打“擦边球”等行为仍存 不久前,四川省自贡市容县公安局发布通报称,2018年以来,女主播唐某某为博取眼球、增加粉丝和视频观看量,在农田中拍摄穿着鲜艳暴露、佩戴红领巾的捕鱼视频,并以“宜宾盈盈”账号在快手平台先后上传剪辑后的4段视频,视频播放量高达300余万次。根据治安管理处罚法规定,警方依法对唐某某予以行政拘留12日并处罚款1000元,责令其删除相关视频。 中国政法大学传播法研究中心副主任朱巍...

In recent years, with the increasing supervision, the illegal and illegal phenomena such as pornography, violence and bloody, fraud and donation have been greatly reduced. However, it can not be ignored that some of the online live broadcasting chaos is now replaced by a "new vest", unhealthy and even illegal content still appears in the online live broadcasting room from time to time. Not long ago, the Public Security Bureau of Rongxian County, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, issued a circular saying that since 2018, female anchor Tang Mou, in order to gain eyeballs, increase fans and video viewing, has been shooting fishing videos wearing bright-coloured exposure and red scarves in the farmland, and has become a fast-hand player with the account of Yibin Yingying. The platform uploaded and edited four videos successively, and the video playback volume reached more than 3 million times. According to the law on punishment of public security management, the police detained Tang Mou for 12 days and imposed a fine of 1000 yuan, ordering him to delete relevant videos. Zhu Wei, deputy director of Communication Law Research Center of China University of Politics and Law.

标签: 直播