新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《往日不再》每周挑战已上线 增加新奖杯

《往日不再》每周挑战已上线 增加新奖杯

The Weekly Challenge of No More of the Past has been launched to add new trophies

2019-07-01 14:12:10来源: 游戏时光

《往日不再》的 1.21 补丁已于上周末上线,补丁主要加入了全新的「每周挑战」内容。不断进行挑战,玩家可以解锁新的角色、装备和重要道具「戒指」。装备了特定的戒指,游玩每周挑战还能获得强力 Buff,同时每周挑战还带来了新的奖杯。第一周的挑战名为“Surrounded”,玩家要在倒计时中从无穷尽的暴走潮攻击中存活下来,同时还要保持高分。第二周挑战内容将于7月5日上线,玩家需要在人类的攻击下生存下来,初始阶段玩家的武器只有匕首,需要不断杀死敌人夺取他们的武器才能活下去。第三周挑战内容将于7月12日上线,主题是竞速,玩家需要驾驶摩托车沿路收集绷带等医疗物品,并尽快赶到目的地。在挑战模式中获得的戒指有...

The 1.21 patch for No More of the Past was launched last weekend, with a new "Weekly Challenge" feature added to the patch. With constant challenges, players can unlock new characters, equipment and important props called rings. Equipped with a specific ring, the weekly challenge can also win powerful Buff, while the weekly challenge brings new trophies. The first week's challenge is called "Surrounded," where players survive the endless tide of countdown attacks while maintaining high scores. The next week's challenge will be launched on July 5. Players need to survive human attacks. In the initial stage, only daggers are needed to kill enemies and seize their weapons to survive. Challenges for the third week will be launched on July 12, with the theme of racing. Players need to drive motorcycles along the road to collect medical items such as bandages and get to their destination as soon as possible. The rings in Challenge Mode are ____________.