新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《控制》不会有二周目,但可探索内容就够你玩好一阵了


Control won't have a two-week view, but exploring content is enough for you to have a good time.

2019-08-12 11:10:57来源: 游戏时光

距离 Remedy 新作《控制》的发售日越来越近了,近日,PlayStation 博客采访了本作的游戏总监 Mikael Kasurinen,谈到了这款新作的更多细节。Mikael Kasurinen 首先谈了谜题设计和游戏机制,他说:这款游戏的谜题比我们过去的任何一款作品都要多。我们想为玩家们创造一段冒险、一个充满神秘和惊奇的世界,充满待寻找的奖励和待发现的传说。为了实现这个目标,我们创造的谜题需要与世界观相符,而且在故事逻辑方面,谜题被发现的时机还要合理。为了把握游戏节奏的变化,我们设计了不同种类的谜题,其中有些侧重于叙事元素,有些则侧重于力学和物理学。此外,Mikael Kasurine...

The release of Remedy's new book Control is getting closer and closer. Recently, PlayStation blog interviewed Mikael Kasurinen, the game director of Remedy's new book, and talked about more details about it. Mikael Kasurinen first talked about puzzle design and game mechanics. He said: This game has more puzzles than any of our previous works. We want to create an adventure for players, a world full of mystery and surprise, rewards to be found and legends to be discovered. In order to achieve this goal, the puzzles we create need to be consistent with the world view, and in the logic of the story, the time for the puzzles to be discovered is also reasonable. In order to grasp the change of game rhythm, we have designed different kinds of puzzles, some of which focus on narrative elements, and some focus on mechanics and physics. In addition, Mikael Kasurine...