新关注 > 信息聚合 > CF颜值最高的十把武器 很多都已经绝版了

CF颜值最高的十把武器 很多都已经绝版了

Ten of the highest CF weapons are already out of print

2017-02-17 00:00:00来源: 人民网

1、黄金awm 超高的价格,超高的颜值,曾经收到各种狂热,现在某狐狸的约定! 2、军用铁锹-蓝钻 蓝钻的皮肤,开通豪华版蓝钻送的 蓝钻系列都蛮好看的,包括名片和喷图。 3、AT15-万圣节 动态皮肤,会跳动的幽灵,简直666! 4、M4A1-T 虎皮m4,曾经的绝版,现在的水晶箱,也没人用了,但是皮肤还是很帅嘛。 5、毛瑟战龙 毛瑟是和沙鹰一样的地位,加了子弹的毛瑟那三连发。 6、AK47-QT qt是当初qt语音做任务兑换的皮肤很赞,可惜绝版。 7、M4A1-樱 前每日任务集卡片的奖励,现在卡片没了,话说,我到最后还差一张他给我关了! ...

1, gold AWM ultra high price, ultra high Yan value, once received all sorts of fanaticism, now a fox's appointment! 2, military Spades - Blue Diamond Blue Diamond skin, opened the luxury edition Blue Diamond Blue diamond drill series are pretty good, including business cards and spray map. 3, AT15- Halloween dynamic skin, will be beating ghost, just 666! 4, M4A1-T tiger skin M4, once out of print, now the crystal box, no one used, but the skin is still very handsome. 5, Mauser and Mauser are the same and the Dragon Shaheen position, with Mauser's three bursts of bullets. 6, AK47-QT, QT is the original QT voice exchange task, the skin is very good, unfortunately, out of print. 7, M4A1- Sakura before the daily task set card award, now the card is gone, saying, I finally still a poor, he closed to me! ...

标签: CF