新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软公布2018Q4财报,游戏业务收入强劲增长


Microsoft released 2018 q4 earnings, game business income growth

2018-07-20 10:51:10来源: 游戏时光

微软日前公布了2018财年第四季度财报,统计时间截至到2018年6月30日。总体来看,该季度微软收入301亿美元,同比增长17%;净利润89亿美元,同比增长10%。其中游戏业务收入大涨39%,达到了22.9亿美元,其中Xbox软件和服务收入就增长了36%。微软表示这主要得益于第三方游戏的强劲表现。此外,Xbox Live月活用户达到了5700万,同比增长8%。 纵观微软2018整个财年,微软的收入达到了1103.60亿美元,运营利润351亿美元。游戏业务年收入破纪录地突破了百亿美元,达到了103.5亿美元。&nb...

& have spent & have spent & have spent Microsoft has announced the 2018 fiscal year earnings in the fourth quarter, statistical time as of June 30, 2018. Overall, the quarter revenue of $30.1 billion, Microsoft rose 17%; Net profit of $8.9 billion, up 10% from a year earlier. Game business income rose 39%, to $2.29 billion, including the Xbox software and services revenue grew by 36%. Microsoft said the strong performance of the game thanks to a third party. In addition, the Xbox Live on Live users reached 57 million, up 8% from a year earlier. & have spent & have spent & have spent Throughout 2018 throughout the fiscal year, Microsoft, Microsoft's revenue reached $110.36 billion, operating profit of $35.1 billion. Games business broke the billion-dollar earning record, to $10.35 billion. & nb...

标签: 游戏 微软