新关注 > 信息聚合 > D.Va即将加入《风暴英雄》 守望联动奖励再升级

D.Va即将加入《风暴英雄》 守望联动奖励再升级

D.V a watch is about to join the storm hero linkage reward to upgrade again

2017-05-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《风暴英雄》和《守望先锋》联动活动今天开放第三周任务,完成本周任务就可以在两个游戏中分别获得坐骑、旗帜、喷漆、头像等奖励。而《风暴英雄》2.0上线之后的第二位守望英雄——D.Va也在昨天登陆测试服,为正式加入时空枢纽做好了准备。 这太imba了:D.Va加入测试服,技能皮肤大公开《风暴英雄》中的D.Va在技能方面基本和《守望先锋》中的一致。在时空枢纽中,D.Va同样有两种形态:机甲模式和驾驶员模式。而且一些经典的技能,比如防御矩阵,自毁,推进器也都统统保留。除此之外,她也多了一些新技能,比如在机甲状态下的终极技能是“兔子跳”。D.Va会驾驶机甲一蹦一跳的对附近敌人造成伤害并使其减速。而在驾...

Pioneer "storm hero" and "watch" linkage activities open third week task today, finish the task this week can be respectively in the two games mounts, flags, spray paint, such as reward. While the storm hero after patch 2.0 second watch hero - D.V a also in the test yesterday, ready for hub officially joined the space and time. This too imba programme: D.V join test suit, a big open "storm hero" of the skin -- on the skills D.V a in basic skills and the watchman pioneer. In the space-time hub, D.V a also comes in two forms: mecha model and driver model. And some of the classic skills, such as defense matrix, self-destruction, propeller are all reservations. In addition, she also has some more new skills, such as in the mecha the ultimate state of skills is "rabbit jump". D.V drives a mecha bouncing of dealing damage to nearby enemy and make it to slow down. In driving...