新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江苏破特大“吃鸡”游戏外挂案:涉案3000万元


Jiangsu break jumbo "chicken" game plugin case: involving 30 million yuan

2018-05-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

江苏连云港警方最近破获一起“绝地求生”游戏外挂案,涉案金额达3000多万元,抓获犯罪嫌疑人15人,捣毁6个国内的游戏点卡以及充值产品的在线交易平台。 这个案件也是公安部“净网2018”专项行动中的第一批挂牌督办案件。我们先了解一下什么是游戏外挂。 灌云县公安局网安大队民警掌云龙:游戏外挂是通过改变原有软件的部分功能,制作而成的作弊程序,实现游戏中原本不具备的功能,比如透视、自动瞄准、加速等,从而提高玩家在游戏中获胜的机率。 在游戏中使用这种作弊软件,一旦被发现,游戏公司将对玩家账号进行封号处理。而游戏外挂的泛滥也破坏了游戏体验,造成玩家大量流失,损害游戏运营商利益。依照我国相关法律...

Lianyungang, jiangsu police recently uncovered a jedi lore game plugin, involving more than 3000 ten thousand yuan, captured the criminal suspect 15 people, the destruction of six domestic game point card and prepaid phone products online trading platform. This case is the ministry of public security "net net 2018" special operation of the first batch of listed gddoftec case. We know the first what is the game plugin. Guanyun county public security bureau may brigade police zhang yunlong: the game plugin is by changing the software part of the original function, produced by cheating program, can realize the function of the game originally does not have, such as the perspective, automatic target, acceleration and so on, so as to improve the chances of players to win this game. Cheating in the game to use this software, once found, the company will game players account titles processing. And the game plugin also destroys the game experience, causing huge loss of players, harm the interests of the game operators. In accordance with the laws in our country...

标签: 游戏