新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL6月22日测试服更新 攻防新模式登场

LOL6月22日测试服更新 攻防新模式登场

New mode LOL6 test server update on May 22, offensive and defensive

2016-06-22 14:38:12来源: TechWeb

LOL6月22日测试服上线了之前官方预告的新轮换模式,此外今日测试服也在英雄和物品方面进行了调整,以下是详细内容。 地图 基础内容 地图大小是正常召唤师峡谷的一半,大家都不能进入河道区域,那些地方都被墙挡住了。 综合 水晶碎片 进攻方:会随着游戏进行而被动获得,同时击杀英雄也...

LOL6 test suit launched on May 22, before the official forecast of new rotation mode, also test suit today in heroes and items have been adjusted, the following is a detailed content. Map based content Map size is half the normal summoner canyon, everyone can't get into the river area, where all was blocked by a wall. Integrated crystal shards offense: passive, with game hero smote also...

标签: LOL