新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第八批游戏版号发布 多家上市企业产品获批

第八批游戏版号发布 多家上市企业产品获批

The eighth game plate number released Many listed companies product approved

2019-03-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,原国家新闻出版广电总局网站下发第八批游戏版号,共95个游戏获得版号。其中,巨人网络、掌趣科技、中青宝、东方明珠等A股上市游戏企业共13款游戏获得版号。 在最新公布的国产游戏审批名单中显示,巨人网络继《月圆之夜》、《征途世界》之后,旗下《激斗火柴人》再一次通过版号审批。中青宝手游《永恒战场》、掌趣科技《纽扣兄弟》、东方明珠《圣墟》、号百控股《轩辕珏》等A股上市游戏企业也获得了该批次版号。 此外,腾讯、网易在连续缺席了第六、第七批次版号后,再次出现在审批名单中。腾讯获批一个版号,网易获批两个版号。 根据网站显示,第八批版号审批时间为2月28日,加上审批时间为2月11日、2月26日...

Issued by the state general administration of press and publication, radio and television website group game plate number 8, a total of 95 games for the plate number. Interesting science and technology, among them, the giant network and palm middle treasure, such as the Oriental pearl a-share listed companies A total of 13 game plate number. In the latest domestic game shown in the list of examination and approval, the giant network following the full moon night, journey to the world, after its "fireworks matches people once again through the plate number for examination and approval. Middle treasure mobile game "eternal battle", zhang boring "button brothers" of science and technology, the Oriental pearl "the market", the holding XuanYuanJue etc a-share listed companies also received the batch plate number. In addition, tencent, netease after missing the sixth, seventh consecutive batches plate number, once again appear in the list of examination and approval. Tencent approved a plate number, netease approved two plate number. According to the website, according to the time for examination and approval of batch plate number 8 was the 28th of February, and approval time is February 11, on February 26,...

标签: 游戏