新关注 > 信息聚合 > 另类桌面游戏《奇异象棋》上线 在棋盘上展开花式..

另类桌面游戏《奇异象棋》上线 在棋盘上展开花式..

Alternative desktop game the strange chess, on-line on the chessboard expand fancy..

2015-10-08 15:55:47来源: 任玩堂

此前任玩堂曾报道过,游戏开发商 Damian Sommer 计划推出一款看上去较为特别的象棋题材游戏——Chesh《奇异象棋》,如今这款游戏的 iOS 版正式与玩家见面,一起来感受一下国际象棋的另一面乐趣吧。 虽说本作是象棋游戏,但棋子造型却采用与现实那黑白棋子不一样的奇怪图像,实际上...

prior to any play hall has reported that game developers Damian Sommer plan launched a look more special chess game genre, Chesh the singular of chess ", now the IOS version of the game officially with the players to meet and get a feel for the other side of the chess fun. Although this is a chess game, but the use of a piece of the same style and the reality of the black and white pieces are not the same strange images, in fact...

标签: 游戏