新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一名玩家在《超级马力欧创造家2》里实现了3D的玩法


A player realizes 3-D play in Super Mario Creator 2

2019-08-10 13:30:01来源: 游戏时光

在《超级马力欧创作家2》里,有许多玩家制作了出众多有趣的冒险地图,但这些地图大部分都是以2D的形式呈现出来的,或者说,是横版的。因为游戏提供的工具在一般情况下,就是为横版关卡准备的。但是,玩家的创造力真的是无限的。日本玩家 Negichin 愣是用《超级马力欧创作家2》制作了一款复古第一人称3D冒险游戏。在古早年代,PC 上的冒险游戏还真就是这样的:视频地址在这张地图中,玩家所操纵的角色在右侧的2D平面上移动,左上角显示着角色在迷宫中所看到的景象,而这些景象强调纵深透视,代表玩家的角色在这些场景中往场景“深”处移动。画面左下角显示有迷宫的层数以及地图,玩家需要闯过重重迷宫找到钥匙,并...

In Super Mario Creator 2, many players have produced many interesting adventure maps, but most of these maps are presented in the form of 2D, or horizontal version. Because the tools provided by the game are usually for the horizontal level. However, the creativity of players is really infinite. Japanese player nbsp; Negichin is using Super Mario Creator 2 to make a retro first-person 3D adventure game. In the early days of PC adventure games, this was true: video addresses in this map, players manipulate the characters on the right side of the 2D plane, the upper left corner shows the characters in the labyrinth to see the scene, and these scenes emphasize depth perspective, representing the player's role in these scenes to the scene "deep" ” Move everywhere. The lower left corner of the screen shows the number of layers of the maze and the map. Players need to go through the maze to find the key, and...

标签: 玩家